McLeod Food Shelf is committed to eliminating hunger and food-insecurity; as well as improving the health and well-being of our community through equitable access to healthy and nutritious foods, community education and advocacy.
5,791 distinct individuals (unduplicated count)
2,152 households served
Service to individuals by age:
Age 0-17: 30%
Age 18-64: 58%
Age 65+: 12%
13,715 total distributions throughout 2023
35,097 points of impact!
On average,
6 days of groceries were provided
during each visit.
524,000 MEALS in 2023!
(1 meal = 1.3 pounds)
Over 700,000 pounds of food was distributed across the McLeod Couny area!
McLeod Food Shelf
719 13th Street East, Glencoe, Minnesota 55336, United States
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